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25. Tim Hortons: 335 Parliament Street Toronto, Ontario Location Brothel

                 Our foundation of the Resort Hotel called RS was noble. We went before an Ontario court of law and spoke about sex professionals’ hard life and were granted a legal license to open a luxury international tourist venue for sex professionals. Each woman and man have a two-bedroom luxury apartment, which is private, and connected to all amenities such as a school, law practice, and private medical clinic with progressive state of the arts standards of excellence.           It was the city council of Toronto and international civic centers respect for what we provided women and men, who before our company existed, were not treated so well. That respect for women and men and their careers as sex professionals is now understood as the committed involvement of attractive and safe intimate sexual relations of value and worth.           Sex professionals are esteemed as female and male valued members of society, and now a school system in the alternative education of the Toront

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